Online Casino Seo

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SEO for gambling and casino websites does not have to be hard. To win the digital search league table you need high quality niche backlinks.

Many of the traditional betting shops opened up websites, accepting Online Casino Seo deposits online and opening the door for players to play real money games including poker, casino, Online Casino Seo and bingo. To prevent fraud and to protect the Online Casino Seo real money gamblers in the UK, the Gambling Commission was established in 2005. Oct 15, 2018 Doing SEO for an online casino, poker or sports betting website is hard – perhaps harder than any other niche online. In this article I will show you how to do SEO in the online gambling industry and explain what it takes to rank an online casino in 2018.

We have over 15 years of experience in the SEO Industry for casino and gambling websites, we work with you, not for you. We treat your business as if it was one of our own. For us, the best feeling in the world is to gain top search engine rankings for our clients.

Mega Casino approached us in 2018 for a complete SEO audit, comprehensive onsite optimization work – architecture and content – and ongoing offsite activity to enhance its online exposure and generate organic traffic by capturing top ranking for relevant keywords and search terms. At the time, the Mega Casino UK website was in the following condition.

We cater for all gambling websites, this includes all languages and countries accepted. We have over 5000 clients worldwide.

Best SEO Packages to stay ahead of your competitors

The Gambling Industry is the biggest, most competitive niche out there. This is why it is very important you purchase SEO for your website to achieve 1 rankings on google and stay ahead of your competition.
  • Up to 10 Keywords
  • Client Dashboard Set Up (see daily reports and ask us questions any time)
  • On Page SEO Analysis
  • On Page Optimisation (including content if required)
  • Site Architecture Audit
  • Competitor Analysis (ranking strategy developed)
  • Enhanced Link Building
  • Up to 15 Keywords
  • Client Dashboard Set Up (see daily reports and ask us questions any time)
  • On Page SEO Analysis
  • On Page Optimisation (including content if required)
  • Site Architecture Audit
  • Competitor Analysis (ranking strategy developed)
  • Enhanced Link Building
  • Up to 20 Keywords
  • Client Dashboard Set Up (see daily reports and ask us questions any time)
  • On Page SEO Analysis
  • On Page Optimisation (including content if required)
  • Site Architecture Audit
  • Competitor Analysis (ranking strategy developed)
  • Enhanced Link Building

SEO is split into 2 categories. The practice of SEO covers on-site and off-site optimization. SEO for betting and gambling sites covers any online casino, sports betting, poker, and slot website. The niche is competitive, but with the help of our agency rankings and traffic come easy.

Keeping it simple is the way to succeed with SEO in the casino industry. Great optimized content with clever marketing equals top rankings.

The search phrases that users type into a search engine are known as keywords in SEO circles. Finding the correct gambling keywords to target is the difference between a struggle to success, or a fast easy track to success.

Many SEO experts will have you believe it takes a long time to rank a gambling website high on the search engines like Google, Bing, and DuckDuckGo. Ranking a casino website does not have to be difficult, picking the right battles if the key to ranking fast or ranking slow.

Make your website user friendly

Right now it’s not just good to have a great-looking website. The website must load quickly and be running over HTTPS. This is just the start to higher search engine rankings.

The user visiting your site from Google must stay on your site, a return to the SERPs will hurt rankings. A well-placed call to action button can overcome this problem, as does well-written METADATA. The visitor must get what they are looking for, page scroll depth, time on site, number of pages viewed are also ranking signals.

In the gambling niche those on-site factors have a big impact on rankings. The search engine bots understand that a good casino site will have long dwell times, players will hang on these sites for hours and hours. If a gambler comes to a website from searching on Google the term “play casino slots” and stays on the site a few seconds it sends a negative ranking signal, this will then push your site down the rankings for that search term.

To ensure casino sites hold their visitors it has to peak their interest. For example, a betting affiliate site will offer a huge bonus incentive at the bottom of the post. This could attract the users attention by using a pop up.

For a gaming site, that offers slot games, poker games, or any other casino games, it is important to have something there to pull at the visitors emotions and to get them to move through your site to sign up and start playing. This will be initiated from the moment they read the METADATA (the website Title and Description) in the search engines results pages. When the visitor lands on the gambling site they need some big bonus to push them to read more and sign up. For this reason, the terminology used on the site is incredibly important, it really does impact rankings. SEO for websites in the casino niche is a little more complex than people first think.

Online Casino Solitaire

Get a search engine friendly website

Webmasters in the casino industry want stunning graphics and videos on their website, this gives SEO agencies big problems when it comes to website load times. A great site will look good and load fast, this ensures a user does not have to wait a long time to play and pleases the search bots too.

To ensure a gambling website is search engine friendly it has to be set up in a way to make it super easy for a crawl bot to find and index all the pages. The main pages must be accessible from the main menu on the homepage of the website. Other pages can filter down the system.

Many casino sites will be heavy on JavaScript code, this can impact load times and crawl ability. The key to success is understanding that making a visually stunning website does not always keep the visitors on your casino website. The website has to offer something that they want, fast load times not only subconsciously pleases the visitor but the search bots too.

There are some tricks to have the search bots ignore heavy JavaScript code, this allows any casino site to rank high and keep the modes and functions that this code offers to ensure casino/gambling games are special.

On-Site Gambling SEO

Start with your METADATA, make sure the sites title and description tags absolutely reflect what is on the page. If you offer a huge bonus featured in your METADATA it must feature on that page. If it does not, it will have a big negative impact on the rankings. The user will leave the website very quickly and feel annoyed, sometimes never to return.

The METADATA must be taken seriously, the keywords have to feature in them and something has to grab the potential visitors’ attention. Give that searcher a reason to click on your listing, think of this as like a small advert for your website.

A casino website has to play to a visitor’s emotions, something like free spins, or a big sign-up bonus usually does the trick. Online research has revealed that many visitors switch into paying customers within 24 hours after going for free play options. A betting website’s main focus is to funnel that visitor into giving up their email address. The offer of free play to win real money has a big lure factor, in many cases pays off.

The gambling niche is fast-paced, there are new games coming into play daily. This poses a challenge for gambling affiliate sites, in our eyes, they are easy pickings. Keeping on top of new sports betting options and major sports games can help you discover very low competition keywords that have low search volumes now, but in the future will be very high when the games pick up traction.

A great casino website to be competitive from an SEO point will have a good content development plan, this will include writing about new features and games coming up on the website on a weekly if not daily basis.

Keyword research

Online Casino Seo

A casino website may already be ranking for search terms, there are SEO tools you can use to discover these for free. If you can uncover these keywords and promote extra traffic can be gained very quickly, in days.

Do not worry if a gambling site does not show any keyword rankings, free keyword research tools will give you target keyword options thrown up from seed search phrases.

A search bot uses the words on the body of a web page to rank it for search phrases, if your casino or sports betting site has the keywords in the page content and the METADATA the chances of ranking high are improved.

Some keywords are more competitive than others. How do you know how competitive a keyword is? If the top ranking sites for any keywod has in depth content and a lot of backlinks then it is more competitive. These are known as high competition search terms. You can use a free backlink checker tool to identify how many backlinks a site has pointed to it.

Improving Click-Through Rates

Having a higher click-through rate means you will have more traffic, this is achieved by playing around with the METADATA. Switch the website Title and Description tags and log the results. A webmaster can monitor their gambling website CTR using Google Console. A good CTR does impact rankings, many SEO case studies have shown this to be true.

The best way to improve CTR is to appeal to the visitor’s emotions. The main focus keyword is the starting point for writing great title and description tags. The key is to think about what the visitor wants based on what they have typed into Google search. For example, if a searcher types in “best casino bonuses” then you know your title tag has to include some amazing bonus that is better than the other top-ranking sites for that search phrase. A great tip is to take a look at the top-ranking sites, they are ranking high for reason.

How fast does your casino website load?

The very first thing an SEO agency will look at is website load times. A slow-loading site does not help rankings. This is something that can be fixed quickly, it is a way to gain quick keyword ranking gains. From an SEO standpoint, a fast-loading site is a must, on a level playing field if a site has all the same SEO metrics as the competition the deciding factor will be this. Any good SEO company working specifically in the gambling industry will correct this right away.

Google has its own tool that is completely free to use, simply drop a website URL into it and the site load time will be displayed. Take note of the load times and compare them to the other top-ranking sites for the site’s target keyword. All casino and betting SEO agencies will offer this as part of an SEO package.

A big impact on website load speed is the server, cheap hosting will mean many sites sit on the same server as yours impacting load times. The number of files, images, videos all has an impact. If any casino website uses WordPress there are plugins that can be used to fix this, reducing file sizes considerably.

The words on the page

To have an impeccable betting site strategy on SEO the words on the page within the body part of the code must be unique. Content copied from another casino website will have a negative impact on rankings, in many cases duplicate content not even index in the SERPs. A good SEO company will check all the content on the site to ensure it is not plagiarised.

Many casino sites will not include a great deal of content on their homepage, which of course will be focused on sign-up offers, this is okay. A casino site can pull traffic from having a great blog. The blog can feed the traffic through internal links to the signup pages. The content has to be highly optimized around the focus keywords while avoiding over-optimization. If you choose to go with our SEO services we take care of all this for you. This leaves you to concentrate on all the important stuff.

Casino website promotion – off-site SEO

A great content strategy for any gambling site will earn backlinks. Links on other casino niche related sites help rankings, they also pass traffic to your website. This is a win, win situation. What’s the secret? Start with keyword research, build out your list and develop well optimized content. Selecting the right keyword is the secret, the best ones require little content and less promotional work, these keywords are known as having low SEO competition.

The power of backlinks for any gambling website is immense, just one backlink from another related site can mean top rankings over page 2 rankings. Having amazing content is the start, other casino sites want to share great content. Having that content fully optimized for the target keywords adds another power play to your ranking success.

SEO for betting sites is easy when you know-how

There is a lot of so-called SEO experts out there that try and make out that SEO is hard and super complex. The truth is that it is very easy when you break it down and work on the most important factors.

Go out there and pick your keyword battles carefully, if you have a casino affiliate site you know you are going to need amazing content, that’s a given. If you combine that amazing content with niche-related links the chances of a top ranking for any keyword are high.

A successful SEO campaign in the online betting industry will include all the SEO factors listed here on this page. The very start of the campaign should revolve around the visitor’s experience on and off the site. When the user is happy the search bots are happy and the rankings soar.

Casino site SEO can yield fast results

We know that the success of any SEO strategy starts with perfect casino and betting term keyword research. SEO strategies for gambling sites are no different from any other website, stick to the core basics and you can’t go wrong.

The SEO strategy will always shift a little when targeting different keywords in the casino, sports, poker, and slots niche. The on-site and off-site SEO will always be an ongoing effort, the SERPs change daily. A great SEO agency for sites in the casino niche will keep a keen eye on what the competition is doing and reflect that in its operations.

Online Casino Real Money

If you own an online casino or any casino games site the basic principles will apply to rankings success:

  • Great compelling METADATA. Ensure your title and description tags have emotions attached and accurately describe what is on the target page.
  • Increase a visitor’s trust by using a secure domain over an HTTPS extension.
  • Does the website load quickly? If not, make sure the files and images are compressed. A change of hosting may be required.
  • Make sure all the main pages are reached from the main menu. This helps Google Bots find and index them.
  • Have the main focus keyword within the body content of the page. Take a look at the competition for guidance.
  • Many users access sites on their phones, ensure you do not lose these visitors. Ensure the site is mobile-friendly.

An established casino brand name will not have a lot of work to do to increase visitor sign-ups. A less known poker or casino site will need to have compelling content and some amazing offers to gain their excitement and gather their email on sign up.

Remember that the casino niche will attract visitors from all over the world, a translator will help gamblers understand your content. Local SEO may be required for a website promoting a local casino. This means the casino address (NAP) must be used on all pages of the website. Casino site SEO does not have to be hard, use common sense in areas where you are unsure and things will be okay. Keep track of the changes you make, things can be reversed if rankings are lost.

Things can be a lot easier if you choose to use an SEO agency to cover all this for you. Using an agency that works in the gambling niche alone has very big advantages, we have contacts with other gambling sites, which means unlimited quality niche backlinks are at our disposal whenever we want them. We offer highly rated expert gambling SEO services like no other, we prove what we can do. We provide daily reports with complete transparency on what we do for any gambling site on a daily basis.

Take a look to the right at our most recent case study and yes it’s REAL. Our client came to us from Malaysia with a super challenge, to rank his website top for some of the most competitive keywords online, and we proved to him we could do it. With some of our most powerful SEO link-building techniques, we drove his site to the top. Now the client has several websites with us and like this one, they are climbing the search engines nicely.

The service that you choose to go with depends on the number of keywords you have that need ranking. If you do not know how many keywords you have go with our lowest package and we will find them for you.

Our SEO services are pay as you go. If you do not like the service you can cancel at any time. This means we work really hard to get you top and keep you with us.

We accept all card payments, we accept clients worldwide.

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Peyronie's disease is a disease characterized by the formation of dense plaques in the tissues of the penis, its pronounced curvature and soreness during arousal. The cause of the occurrence is not clear.Congenital curvature of the penis. A change in the normal form can lead to difficulties during sex, male discomfort, impaired blood flow and, as a result, cause impotence.

Hypogonadism is a pathology in which there is a deficiency of male hormones, androgens. It can occur, both due to damage to the testicles, and with hyperprolactinemia. At the same time, there is a decrease in the testes, a decrease in sexual desire, and obesity develops. If the disease occurs in childhood, the characteristic symptoms are high growth, small size of the penis and scrotum, lack of hair on the face, abdomen, chest./p>