Make Real Money Online Australia

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The truth is there are real ways to make money online – millions of people are doing it each day. From freelance digital nomads to savvy marketers to rising entrepreneurs, there are plenty of business ideas you can try at home using your laptop, a solid internet connection, and hard work. When it comes to finding ways to make extra money Australia really is the lucky country. Whether you’re looking to make money online, from home or just a regular part-time side hustle, opportunities abound. When I was 21 I moved to Sydney and quickly became a party girl.

Hi, thanks for reading, just a heads up that I may earn commissions via links you click on from the companies mentioned in this post .

With the unemployment rate for Australians sitting around the mid 5% mark, many Aussies are still feeling the financial pinch. 5 years ago I too was one of the many Aussie battlers living week to week barely surviving. It wasn’t until I took an interest in learning how to make money online in Australia, scam free and preferably for little to no cost that things started to improve for me and my Family from the Brisbane northern suburbs.

But making a full time job replacing income online didn’t just magically happen for me. When you see below the methods I pursued to reach my dreams, you will get a greater understanding on what it really takes to make money from home in Australia.

Quick Links To Info On This Page

    • 0.2 How To Make Money From Home In Australia
    • 0.4 The Best Way To Make Money Online From Australia
  • 1 Per Month EVERY Month!

A Little About This Tradie From QLD

Back in 2012, the construction industry in QLD had slowed down to levels not seen by myself before. As I am a Painter by trade, my job took a slow but nose diving hit. Over the course of a few months my hours had dropped drastically to eventually no work for the next 2 weeks. During this ‘slow time’, my Partner gave birth to our first baby Girl. As you can tell, this was NOT the right time to be having insecurities with my painting job.

But to survive, I took out a second credit card. During these hard times I had managed to max out both my credit cards and was struggling to stay afloat. Something had to change, but me being a loyal employee, I put up with the hard times and started looking for ways to make money online as an Australian. Fast Forward to 2017 my life has completely changed. My first house is just about finished getting built from scratch on 3/4 acre of land. Wow! 5 years ago I couldn’t afford a slab of beer, but today I am just about to own my own brand new house. That’s the power of making money online.

Make Real Money Online Australia

How To Make Money From Home In Australia

Surveys & Rewards Got Me Started – Making Loose Change

My very first money made online came in the form of very cheap labor. Taking surveys and earning reward points for online Australian based companies. I saw the Ad’s on TV I believe for Rewards Central back in 2011. So I decided to see what it was about. From memory Rewards Central were partners with My Opinions. This is how it worked for me:

With Rewards Central you could buy products online through stores like Ebay and if I bought directly through the Rewards Central platform I would get back a small percentage of the purchase price. So essentially I was making small amounts of money by buying things from Ebay that I wanted anyways. So not a bad idea, just not a job replacing income.

The surveys came from the My Opinions side of things. The surveys were pretty basic, but were time consuming. As you can see from the images below, I would get paid $1.50 for 15 minutes work. Not a great deal of money, but I was desperate. Back then I had to redeem the points for Gift Cards, but now it seems they pay directly by PayPal as well.

Another Survey Site I use to use is called My View. It’s amazing to see these websites still online and helping Aussies make a little extra money. I can’t remember my password to log into the site to show you more details. However, I have taken a screenshot from one of their surveys sent to me back in 2012. As you can see, I would have been paid $1 for 10 minutes of my time.

Should You Answer Surveys To Make Money?

This will depend from person to person based on their current financial situation. For people just wanting to fill in a few minutes everyday and make a few bucks, then sure why not. As you can see from the above images, the pay rate is horrible. But whats even worse is that you don’t get a whole heap of surveys to answer everyday. So while you could make maybe $1- $5 a day depending on availability you won’t make any serious income. Even if you joined multiple survey websites and answered 10+ surveys a day, your pay rate will be considerably low.

A word of warning, beware of survey scams. I have been in this make money online business for 5 years now and I have seen them all. NEVER pay to take surveys or join a survey club. The legit companies will pay you to answer the questions, not the other way around. Don’t believe the hyped up promises of making $1000’s every day, it’s impossible and a scam. Don’t fall for the classic ‘send emails’ and make $100’s everyday scam. Follow you Gut, if it sounds too good too be true, then it most likely is.

So How Does This Aussie Lad Make A Killing Online?

While I respect legit survey sites and they have their purpose, I believe they are a waste of your time if you are serious about financially killing it online. Surveys will never wipe out a Uni debt, maxed out credit cars and personal loans like the below method has done for me and my family.

My life changed when I was searching in Google for a micro worker job website review (These sorts of jobs you can make cents for doing various online tasks). Fortunately the Guy reviewing the micro workers website explained why it was a scam and to be cautious. From there he recommended that I try out for free what he does to make money online. He recommended I follow this training which uses a proven and popular method for making money online in Australia and the world over.

Now it’s my turn to introduce you to the same training I took on Affiliate Marketing that took me from broke and desperate to well… the complete opposite. I cannot thank the guy named Steve enough for introducing me to this online business model that has transformed my life. Now I hope to do the same for you.

The Best Way To Make Money Online From Australia

Make Real Money Online Australia Online

Maybe you have heard of Affiliate Marketing before, maybe you haven’t. But it doesn’t matter either way. Because I am living proof that it works and anything is possible if you have the desire to accomplish your dreams. So what is Affiliate Marketing?. For a full explanation visit my article ‘How Does Affiliate Marketing Work‘.

But in a nutshell here is what I do to make over $10k a month online. I recommend products to people who need help making a decision on what they want to buy. By having special links or Ad’s on my simple website people can visit the online shops I am affiliated with. When they buy something from the online store, I make a % commission on the products they have bought. The online store I mainly recommend products from is

Some Common Questions You May Have

  • Why Is Affiliate Marketing The Best?. Simply put it’s the easiest way to make money because you never need to sell anything. You are simply giving your personal recommendations and make money from doing so. For example, lets say someone wants to know ‘what is the best kitchen knife set?’. You could make up a simple web page and give your recommendations of what you think are awesome knife sets. But what if you don’t know what to say?. Easy, read other peoples reviews, check the star ratings etc to come to your own conclusion. Learn how to make simple product reviews and you have the basic skills required to make money from affiliate marketing.
  • Do I Ever Handle The Products/Transactions?. Absolutely NOT. All you have to do is get the customer from your website onto the vendors website (Amazon, ebay etc). We never handle the products and never deal with the money exchanges. The only money we worry about is the money coming to us as commissions.
  • Does This Work In Australia Only? No, affiliate marketing works the world over. But as I am Australian, I am trying to help my fellow Aussies make money online. I predominately use the American store Amazon and target American buyers because the market their is huge compared to Australia’s. However, there are Australian companies you can become an affiliate for such as Big W, Super Amart etc.
  • What Skills Do I Need?: If you have the capability to type on a computer/laptop, willing to learn then you can absolutely do this. I’m a Painter that has no University Degrees or anything like that. Just determined to succeed day after day.
  • Is It Free To Do? While you can get started for free, you will have some expenses. But don’t worry, it’s not huge. In fact tell me another business you could start for $50 a month? Not many, if any. But like I said, you can get started for free and even make money without spending a cent with the right knowledge.
  • Will I Have Support In This Journey? Absolutely. You get complete access to myself and 1000’s of other online marketers. When you join this community you will be SHOCKED by the pure amount of assistance regular folks are going to give you. I have never seen anything like this online ever. Such a wonderful community and support team.

Where Can I Start?

Before sending you off to some random website online that you have probably never heard of before, I want you to check out my profile. Yes, I call myself josh From Oz. Hopefully you read a little about me and can see that I have been a member there since March 2012. You can also see that I’m from Australia and have had great successes since joining way back in 2012.

Now that you know me a little better, I feel more comfortable leading you into my review of Wealthy Affiliate. In this review you will find out more about this first class online training and business in a box platform. You will also see how this place has literally changed my life and how it CAN do the same for you.

Hopefully you haven’t had to go through any scams online like I have over the years. If not you can learn from my mistakes and hit the ground running by joining me in our community that’s been online for over 11 years now. I look forward to meeting my fellow Aussies on the inside. See you there.



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Hey Guys & Gals! Thanks a bunch for stopping by. I hope you found what you were looking for within this page. My name is Josh and I'm the owner of Learn How To Earn From Home. Back in 2012 is when I first started my online business. I was making money online by promoting Gaming Headsets, but now I have shifted my focus to trying to teach others how to build a online business just like I did. Start your journey to financial freedom today for FREE by visiting my #1 Recommended training course!.
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If you’re looking for a way to make some extra money online to grow your emergency savings account or to help pay off some of that frustrating debt, then we have some great tips for you. Australia is so fortunate when it comes to making money online and earning a few dollars here and there for seemingly mindless tasks.

Whether you have a degree, experience in a certain industry or are just starting out, there are so many opportunities awaiting on the web! Let’s take a look over a few of them below.

Sell Items on Gumtree, eBay or Facebook Marketplace

We’ll start off with the most obvious way to make money online and that’s by selling some of the stuff you don’t often use. Take a look at the leading online marketplaces for some ideas and you’ll likely find there are so many things in your home that you could sell for a little extra cash.

Don’t forget to check spare draws for old phones or electronics because even though they might be older models, they could still hold plenty of value for refurbishment and recycle businesses.

Work Freelance a Few Days a Month

For those with a degree or a role in a 9 to 5 in a job that can be scaled to being online, then consider working a few days freelance. Even if it’s just one or two weekends a month, you could be earning a few hundred dollars or more. On top of that, if you do have plenty of experience and a degree you might become an ongoing freelancer or part-time remote worker for a company.

Check out, and if you’re looking for a great platform to start.

Sell Your Content or Media

This tip is for those who have a great hobby interest in film, photography, writing or graphic design. If you can create a piece of content that is of quality, you’ll be able to sell it through online platforms such as or on your own website.

Our tip here is to make sure the content is versatile and on trend with what businesses are looking for. This way you’re more likely to have your content chosen and purchased by brands.

Take Surveys and Offer Opinions

There’s a good chance you’ve seen advertising online and even on TV for online surveys that pay real money for your opinions on products, services and brand image. Take a look online and you’ll find a whole array of survey companies looking for opinions on products and also for consumers to test them. You’ll be paid for this and if you’re part of a key demographic you might find that more surveys are available to you.

Offer Tutoring Services

If you’re adept in any topic then there’s a good chance that you’ll be able to find work online as a tutor. It might be worth brushing up on a few basics just in case, so be sure that you know all the fundamentals before you move on to tutoring. If you work in science, marketing, IT or another specialist service then you will likely have a large market of people looking for tutoring.

Consider starting on websites like and building out your experience in tutoring from there.

Consider a Drop-shipping Website

Make Money Online Australia Free

In short, a drop-shipping website takes products from affordable wholesalers and sells them for a profit. These types of websites can often turn a great profit if managed and marketed correctly and of course, you’ll not have to deal with packaging and sending the products yourself, it’s all done by the wholesaler. Just be sure to design your store in a way that stands out and offers something different from the competition. Whether that’s amazing customer service, freebies or anything else it’s always a good idea to have a unique selling point.

Take a look at for a comprehensive list of all the products you’re able to link and sell on your website.

Make Money In Australia Fast

Sell Your Handmade Products

Make Real Money Online Australia Jobs

If you love to tinker or make things in your spare time, then consider selling your works online through websites like Etsy. This is a perfect solution to make a side income from a hobby which will mean you can relax and create after work, but also be paid for it! Websites like Etsy are fantastic for anyone who creates easy-to-post products like artwork, tie-dye shirts and more.